
Rock Your Goals with a FREE Fitness Planner Stickers Printable

Awesome fitness planner stickers printable to keep you encouraged and motivated all year long.

This post is sponsored by Planet Fitness.

What are your fitness goals? Whether you're trying to reach a certain weight, eat healthier foods, or start an exercise routine, we all can benefit from focusing on wellness as we make our resolutions for the new year.

Making goals is easy. Reaching them is the hard part. Which is why I like to include my fitness goals in my planner and I'm making it easy for you to do the same with a FREE fitness planner stickers printable!

Making a Fitness Plan this Year

When people ask me what I do for exercise I always say, "I chase my twins around all day." That's been true for the last few years, but now that they are in kindergarten my weekdays are a bit quieter. And I'm starting to feel it in my energy and my clothes, especially after the holidays. I've decided that it's time to make a fitness plan that will help me stay in shape and feel great.

Staying active and healthy is so important to me because I have two little kids who need a mama that wants to play with them. And I want to be around to chase after my grandchildren someday too! Eating a healthy diet, getting plenty of water, and finding an exercise routine is all part of my wellness plan for the year. And I've promised my dogs a 20 minute walk every day.

Exercise is not something that comes naturally to me. I love yoga, but I need to find something else to add to my routine to get my heart pumping. Starting a fitness routine can be intimidating for occasional gym goers like me, which is why I am so glad that there is a Planet Fitness nearby.

Planet Fitness is a Judgement Free Zone® which means that people like me can have a great workout without feeling out of place. And with free fitness training included in all memberships, I can have the support I need to find the workout that is right for me.

Planet Fitness has everything you need in a gym, including brand name cardio and strength equipment, fully equipped locker rooms, and unlimited small group classes taught by a certified instructor.

But the best part? The price. Through January 15 new members can join any location for only a $1 enrollment fee, then pay just $10 a month with no commitment. It's a great deal and totally makes fitness affordable for any budget!

Find the Planet Fitness near you and take advantage of this amazing offer now.

Stay on Track with Free Printable Fitness Planner Stickers

The best way for me to stay motivated and accountable for my goals is to include them in my planner. I'm making that easy (and fun) with these fitness planner stickers! This free printable works with the Happy Planner, my own Mom Life Organized planner, or your favorite planner.

This planner sticker set includes quotes to motivate and encourage you, along with trackers for water intake and weight. There are also stickers to plan your workouts and a sticker to write down your top three goals for the day, week, or month.

You can download the fitness planner stickers printable page by clicking the button below.


Once you've download the stickers, you can print on full size sticker paper and cut out. Or use your Cricut to make it super easy! (Get instructions on how to cut printable planner stickers with a Cricut here.)

What are your fitness goals this year? Leave a comment below or message me on Facebook and let me know!

Check out the video below to learn more about the January sale at Planet Fitness!

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FREE printable fitness planner stickers to fit Happy Planner and more! These fitness planner stickers are perfect to track workouts, fitness goals, and more. LOVE these for staying motivated! #ad #FitAtPlanetFitness #PlanetFitness #plannerstickers #planner #plannerlove

I'd love to hear from you! To get in touch, message me on Facebook or Instagram, or send me an email.